China Section 301 – Additional Duties for List#2 – Effective August 23, 2018 – Request for Product Exclusion


Tariff sanctions for goods manufactured in China under Section 301 and what is known as List #2  (  ) go into effect on August 23, 2018.  An additional 25% duty will be imposed on the 279 classifications affected and worth approximately $16 billion in import value.   As previously informed, List #1 ( ) affected 818 classifications with 25% additional duties as of July 6, 2018 and approximately $34 billion of Chinese import value.

The procedures to request a particular product exclusion from the determination of action pursuant to Section 301: China’s Acts, Policies, and Practices Related to Technology Transfer, Intellectual Property and Innovation published by the Office of the United States Representatives on Federal Register dated July, 11, 2018 can be accessed here:
