USTR Published Revision To China Section 301 List #4 Duty Rate


The U.S. Trade Representative has published notice in the Federal Register directing that when the additional duties go into effect for List #4 the additional duty rate will be 15% instead of the previously announced 10%.

List #4A will go into effect with 15% additional duty applied to goods entered or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption on or after 12:01 a.m. eastern daylight time on September 1, 2019.

List #4B: will go into effect with 15% additional duty applied to goods entered or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption on or after 12:01 a.m. eastern daylight time on December 15, 2019.

Thus, if goods are on the water, or in the process of being shipped, but they will not arrive until September 1, 2019 or after (List # 4A), or December 15, 2019 or after (List # 4B), they will be subject to sanctions and the additional 15% duty rate will apply.

Goods in List # 4A must still be classified under HTS#9903.88.15.

Goods in List # 4B must still be classified under HTS#9903.88.16.
